Friday, April 01, 2005

While waiting for the laundry

I´m bummed about:

1. Missing out on a Moruya family camping trip over easter.
2. Missing out on catching up with the old crew at Victoria Room.

It´s annoying to:

1. Pay three times the normal amount for a Lonely Planet guide book. $150 for 2 books when it would cost $50. Painful and annoying.
2. Explain over and over again that I am not Japanese.
3. Have no other choice on the menu apart from bistec a la povre (steak with fried eggs and fries) or fried chicken and fries and variations thereof (eg; would you like 1/2 a chicken or a whole one?) or big fat doughy pizzas with uninteresting toppings, or where the only salad options are:
a tomate ensalada (just peeled tomatoes)
a lechuga ensalada (just iceberg lettuce)
a palta ensalada (just avocado)
or, lucky last,
a mixta ensalada (surprise, surprise, a combination of the above!!)

I´m excited when:

1. We check into an apart-hotel to find a fully equipped cocina and cook our own meal!
2. We find Japanese restaurants and happily dine on sushi, sashimi and gyoza!
3. We have fresh, newly laundered clothes! .....Or we will, as soon as I finish up here.

Ciao ciao


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