Monday, March 21, 2005

What the...?

To add to Chiloe´s quaint, yet quirky, nature, we stayed at a charming hostel in Ancud owned by an elderly chain smoking couple who got pissed every night with guests on pisco sours and liqor de oro (fermented cow´s milk) while sitting around the roaring fireplace with friends singing folk tunes and playing the accordian. Great fun and a great place to stay but very odd....particularly with the ladies toilet (a great contender for Rove´s ``What the?´´ segment). Click here. Luckily we had a bano privado.

During the times we weren´t being entertained (forced to drink or being fed in the kitchen) by the elderly couple Hector and Nalida, we drove around the little villages, shopped at the feira artesenals and feasted on fresh empanadas y marisco (seafood empanadas) and it´s local dish cauranto (seafood stew piled with loads of shellfish, carne, chorizo, pollo and potato dumplings). A nice (and welcome) change to the usual cuisine found in the south.

Could stay longer but our time around this area is limited and we have already pushed our flights back so we hit the road for Pucon......


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