Saturday, February 12, 2005

Frontiera dos tres

We are in love with leito buses which are an absolute blessing (but expensive) when travelling such long distances. The one we caught last night was awesome and akin to business class on a plane which came complete with a hostess handing out bags of goodies whilst we made ourselves comfortable on crisp clean blankets and sheets. Wonderful.

There would have been a total of 40 people on the luxurious bus/hotel which comprised of, not surprisingly, a few locals and, surprisingly, about 35 aussies on a group tour! Hmph, I guess we are now back on the beaten track which typically flows south from Rio through San Paulo to the falls on the way to Argentina. (It was nice though to hear the aussie accent again!).

Not surprisingly, we arrived at Foz do Iguacu feeling bright, refreshed and determined to better our budget and as a result we checked into our first budget hotel! Note, for R$80 it´s not too bad at all!!

The best part about this hotel is that a short bus ride out of town takes you to the most amazing 277 waterfalls I´ve ever seen in my life. Iguacu falls from the Brazilian side is a sight to be seen. From this vantage you have a whole overview of the falls. At various places you see rainbows form and butterflies flitting about and at the forefront you hear the constant roar of the water reminding you of how powerful it is. The best part was taking a boat up the river, similar to the Ocean Extreme boat they have on Sydney harbour, against the current and up to the foot of the falls. We were absolutely soaked but it was brilliant.

Tomorrow we cross over to view the falls from the Argentinian side. It is amazing that we are at a place where 3 countries meet - Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Tudo bem!!


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