Monday, January 10, 2005

We're going!!!

So we're doing it! We're heading out for the year! Not just for 2 months, but THE WHOLE YEAR!!!

Am I worried about the impact on my career or that most ppl our age are buying houses/getting married/starting families etc? Hell no! Actually, I was concerned initially but as Dave says, our investment is in ourselves and any employer who thinks that taking a year off to go travelling is detrimental is not someone I'd like to work for. Oh, and the whole "settling down" business - what does that mean anyway?

So, everything's in storage or at the folks', I finished my contract, Dave's been given a year leave, we're insured to the max, we've topped up our vaccinations, the cat's gone to his foster parents, we've cancelled subscriptions/gym memberships/arranged visas etc, and in the middle of all of that, we caught up with family and friends who've wished us well for the year. Hectic but all good!

15 January 2005 to 15 January 2006. We're going travelling!!!


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